The Call of Christ
I hope I am not the only one that has been thinking this way the past few weeks, but doesn’t it seem like 2 Tim 3 is being fulfilled right in front of our faces? (go and read it if you can’t remember) These are truly times of difficulty here. Right now, we are in a very hard place, so please do not take your faith lightly. Just as Paul gives a call to war against the evil powers of this dark age, I encourage you all to develop your spiritual arsenal. Let us be ready to “Preach the word; Be ready in and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete patience and teaching.” We have a tendency to think we are just in a safe bubble and there are churches everywhere so there isn’t really anything you could truly do to help spread the gospel further. But each and every day the enemy is infiltrating people on a personal level, and we are too focused on polishing our armor to see the enemy coming. It does not matter how they infiltrate or take our lives, the goal is nothing but getting you to believe one lie, and then letting that lie fester till it destroys you. That is why as Christians we must fight TOGETHER! We must continue to ask the spirit to show us those lies and develop our spiritual eyes. We must love each other enough to say something if we know it isn’t biblical. This also means that we don’t all have to agree on every subject related to Christianity, but we must be able to work together and teach each other and personally I think we need to be extra willing to be taught. If we look to Christ and all seek his Character and power in our lives, then and only then, will we be able to truly answer the call to war for Christ.
The war Christ calls you too will undoubtedly cost you everything. Your life, your freedom, your comfort, your pride and your time are all subject to destruction. God didn’t call you because he needed you either, He called you so he could perfect his creation; so that we are able to give him the glory He alone deserves!! You are not your own, you are bought with a price (1 Cor. 6;19-20). As Propaganda said it in his spoken verse G.O.S.P.E.L; “Here’s what God says is part A of the gospel. You can’t fix yourself, quit trying it’s impossible. Sin brings death, give God His breath back, you owe Him. Eternally separated, and the only way to fix it is someone die in your place and that someone gotta be perfect, or the payment ain’t permanent So if and when you find a perfect person, get him or her to willingly trade their perfection for your sin and death in. Since the only on that can meet God’s criteria is God, God sent himself as Jesus to pay the cost for us….. The same breath that God breathed into us God Gave up to redeem us. His righteousness, His death functions as payment Yes payment, But at the resurrection we all cheered because that means the check cleared” We exist to willingly give our lives back to the one who gave us ours so that we can be reborn and re-perfected in him alone. So, ask God to give you the tools needed to train yourself, but rely on Gods strength to do it. The greatest thing you can do is to lay down your life for an all-knowing, all-powerful God, but it is your choice. Please don’t ride the fence, you will get shot from both sides. Half of a gospel is not completed of perfect, either you are all in or not. But if you are in then please, spread the word, do the hard things, and reach the Lost. Not the ones you are comfortable with, not the ones you think that might hear it. The Gospel is for ALL! So, it is our job to tell EVERYONE of the great news that Jesus gave his life so that we can give our lives for others and be perfected through his free but life-shattering gift. Run the race; keep the faith; Do It together with your God given brothers and sisters and bring more people to the one and only God of all. But remember, the cost is emptying yourself completely so God can fill you entirely, and that Cost is a lifetime of dying too yourself, every moment, so that you can become the perfected work of the one to true God of all. Are you willing to answer the call?
Written By, Josh Lytle