Pray for all people

We must learn to see the value of our time with Christ as important, the investment of time toward the health of our soul, for the more time we give Christ the more we adapt and develop his characteristics in our own lives.

The true call of Christ

This war Christ calls you too will undoubtedly cost you everything. Your life, your freedom, your comfort, your pride, and your time are all subject to destruction. God didn’t call you because he needed you either.  He called you because he wanted us to truly seek him and love him for who he is in all perfection; so that we are able to give him the glory He alone deserves!!

There is power in the blood!

Whether you like the idea or not, there are spiritual powers at work. It would be convenient to be able to dismiss this fact but the spiritual realm is real and active. There are supernatural things acting all around us in this world. Unexplainable, unfathomable and frankly scary things, and if we were left to our own capabilities, we would constantly be destroyed without fail. The good news is that there is a power, above all powers, that has given us full access to Himself. His name is Jesus!

Are you a Pilgrim in this World?

    Just like a pilgrim on a journey, we should not feel like we belong in this world. We have a higher calling than this world and God has called us to seek him, And if we seek him we will find him.

Are you hungry?

All too often I find that, in my spiritual walk, I crave the wrong things to satisfy me, or I decide to just not eat at all and suffer from spiritual starvation.

Waiting ...

Have you ever been at that place where you want to be hearing from God but either you can’t hear or you feel like Jesus isn’t talking?

The Call of Christ

We have a tendency to think we are just in a safe bubble and there are churches everywhere so there isn’t really anything you could truly do to help spread the gospel further. But each and every day the enemy is infiltrating people on a personal level, and we are too focused on polishing our armor to see the enemy coming.

Holiness: What it looks like.

He will endeavor to set his affections on things above, and to hold things on earth with a very loose hand. He will not neglect the business of this present life, but the first place in his mind and thoughts will be given to eternal realities. He will aim to live like one whose treasure is in heaven, and to pass through this world like a stranger and a pilgrim traveling to his home.

A Simple Calling

Christianity is not a small prayer of giving your life to Christ, then continuing to live a day to day existence just like the rest of this earth. It is a commitment to follow Christ and strive to do His bidding, to bring his love and salvation to all of the earth.


This call from Jesus is a call to all who take up their cross and begin to follow Him. In whatever place we find ourselves, whether we are running well, or sluggish in our pursuit of Christ. This call to endeavor with zeal is for you. Count well the costs of following Jesus, and then consider long the unfading crown of glory that will be yours if only you would strive in faith to obtain it. We must strive because the way is hard; we must strive because our time is short; We must strive because our enemy is fierce; we must strive because the reward is unsurpassed! Set your mark this day, forget what lies behind and press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:13-14)!

What's the Reason

One of the beautiful things about truth is that it is relevant for all; and it will never stop being relevant, Truth doesn't pass away as if it were only a fad; It doesn't matter where you come from or where you are going, truth is relevant for you, and you are subject to it not the other way around.