There is no such thing as a Christian who has not been greatly loved by God, just as there is no such thing as a Christian who does not love Jesus greatly. So how has God loved us, or set His love on us as Christians?
All tagged Theology
There is no such thing as a Christian who has not been greatly loved by God, just as there is no such thing as a Christian who does not love Jesus greatly. So how has God loved us, or set His love on us as Christians?
This call from Jesus is a call to all who take up their cross and begin to follow Him. In whatever place we find ourselves, whether we are running well, or sluggish in our pursuit of Christ. This call to endeavor with zeal is for you. Count well the costs of following Jesus, and then consider long the unfading crown of glory that will be yours if only you would strive in faith to obtain it. We must strive because the way is hard; we must strive because our time is short; We must strive because our enemy is fierce; we must strive because the reward is unsurpassed! Set your mark this day, forget what lies behind and press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:13-14)!